
This page consist of following items. Please select particular sub menu page under the main menu.

  1. The Development works currently undertaken by Department of Agrarian Development for the Year of 2018
  2. Database which has include the all the data of department such as Tanks, Anicuts, Roads, Agro Well and More.
  3. Priority List of 2018 – Non of the tank work decide by the department staff. All Farmer Organizations have to conduct their general meeting and finalize the priority in their division. After that, all farmer organizations members in the respective agrarian services centre committee conduct their general meeting and finalize the priority list for the following year. This list will be submitted to Divisional DAC and DCC for the approval. Then it will be submitted to District DCC and DAC for the approval.
  4. Priority List of 2019 – On Process. As prescribed above method with Marks based system according to the criteria